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About Us

What is Abacus

Performing rapid arithmetic calculations. Calculation based on abacus was invented in the ancient times and now widely used as a brain development programme. It consists of a rectangular frame holding a number of vertically arranged rods, on which beads slide up and down.


Age Limit : 4 to 14 years

Process : 3 Process

1. finger
2. tool
3. Mentally

Abacus easy to learn?

Learning abacus can be challenging, but with proper guidance and practice, anyone can learn how to use it. The key to mastering the abacus is regular practice and persistence.

Why is abacus important for students?

Why is Abacus Learning essential? Abacus learning programme provides significant benefits to children in enhancing the learning skills, photographic memory, visualisation skills, increasing speed, higher concentration, attaining accuracy and proficiency in all subjects.